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Vertebral Slippage

Vertebral Slippage describes the situation where one vertebra slides forward or backward upon its neighbour eventually causing symptoms.

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Sports Spinal Injuries

Whilst we marvel at our Sports men and women, many are afflicted with Degenerate Disc Disease, degeneration of the spine and its joints

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Trapped Nerve

Nerves may be trapped at several points along their course. Those points of entrapment outside of the spine are rare.

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Spine “Instability”

Spinal Instability is a term coined to describe abnormal movement between one vertebra and another.

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Slipped Disc

When people say they have a slipped disc, they are often using a general term for back problems. Indeed, many may be unaware that the term ‘slipped disc’ can refer to a range of medical problems

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Sciatica Symptoms and Treatment

Sciatica is actually a symptom rather than a condition and it relates to a wide range of leg pains that can be felt in a variety of different ways,

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Parkinson’s Disease Sufferers

Parkinson’s Syndrome is a condition where the important nuclei below the brain become dysfunctional resulting in impaired communication and transmission of nerve impulses to and from nerve fibres.

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Osteoporosis Fracture

Osteoporosis Fractures are fractures of the vertebral bodies which occur in Osteoporosis.

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Neck Pain Symptoms and Treatment

The actual causes of neck pain can be difficult to locate using conventional diagnostic techniques, because each disc and its attendant nerve network in this region can cause apparent or ‘referred’ pain over a wide area.

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Multiple Sclerosis Sufferers

Multiple Sclerosis is a condition where the insulating fat surrounding nerve fibres is depleted in various areas of the body resulting in impaired transmission of nerve impulses along these fibres.

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Lumbosacral or SacroIliac Angle Pain

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Lateral Recess Stenosis and Treatment

In medical terms, Stenosis is a ‘narrowing’ of any tubular vessel or structural passageway within the body. Lateral Recess Stenosis is a condition where the narrowing reduces the available space within the exit doorway (foramen) of the spinal canal.

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High Intensity Zones: Symptoms & Treatment

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Failed Spinal Pain Management

Failed Spinal Pain Management often occurs when surgical solutions do not restore the patient's quality of life.

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Failed Back Surgery and Treatment

Failed back surgery, sometimes referred to as a 'multiply-operated back', denotes surgical procedures that did not result in a significant improvement in the patient's quality of life.

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Disc Protrusion Symptoms and Treatment

If you suspect you might be experiencing the symptoms of a spinal disc protrusion or a slipped disc, please reach out to us. We're here to help.

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Degenerative Disc Disease or Disc Degeneration (Spondylosis)

Though termed "Degenerative Disc Disease," it isn't precisely a degenerative or disease per se. It's a condition that stems from aging,

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Cauda Equina Syndrome

Cauda Equina Syndrome is a serious and potentially debilitating condition. Derived from the Latin term "equine"

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Understanding Back Pain and Its Treatment

Back pain, a common ailment for many, has various causes and complexities.

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Arm Pain and Shoulder Pain

Arachnoiditis refers to the clumping together and tethering of the descending nerves to the inner lining of the water jacket that contains the fluid supporting the brain and the cord in the spinal canal.

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Arachnoiditis Syndrome

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Thank you - From the Spinal Foundation